I sometimes forget all that I do during the year so going back and reliving some of my favorite moments is probably one of the best things I could do. It helps me see how far I've come throughout the year and honestly brings joy to my heart to see all that I got to be apart of. So a big thank you to all my wonderful clients & friends that made 2017 the year it was! I couldn't do it without you!
Sleeping Policeman
One of my favorite aspects of my job is working with fellow artists. Charles from Sleeping Policeman asked me to shoot his show on July 28, 2017 at Fresh Brewed Coffee House. He said he wanted to portray Sleeping Policeman more as a collective that invites people to leave their mark in a shared experience and better yet, he wanted them in black and white (I'm always a sucker for a good black and white photograph). In my opinion this was the perfect show to do this with. Charles was accompanied by his friend Stacey and an audience full of friends and music enthusiasts. I think a big part of the shared experience is the stories Charles shares through his music. He isn't afraid to share the story his life through his lyrics. If you haven't already, experience this for yourself by listening at https://sleepingpoliceman.bandcamp.com/
Here are some of my favorite shots from the show.